IPBM – Integrated Psychophysiological Behavioral Medicine refers to ..

IPBM – Integrated (also institute for se www.ipbm.se, Swedish text) refers in our paradigm of knowledge* to the (non-reductionist on which usually different medical paradigms are based) the integration of psychological and physiological processes partly based on the development that have taken/takes place within the www.aapb.se  – https://www.springer.com/journal/10484/updates/17279014  – where we also integrate evolutionary biology, especially brain evolution and scientific theoretical starting point integrating Karl Popper’s philosophy ”The three  worlds” hypothesis and Thomas Kuhn’s paradigm hypothesis and Systems Theory (https://study.com/learn/lesson/systems-theories-in-psychology.html

How to integrate 2 different systems based on lack of knowledge in both?

The answer is that within our IPBM paradigm we are to focus on what we have the most knowledge and experience of; individual dynamic integrated psychophysiological behavior in particular the dynamic behavior of the autonomic nervous system (usually skin conductance, skin temperature (1/110 Celsius resolution), Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA), heart rate) as well as parts of cell metabolism/respiration (”Cellular respiration converts chemical energy in sugar and oxygen into chemical energy in ATP” – https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellandning (usually oxygen saturation, SpO2 and exhaled air CO2 etCO2) – together with various individual  behaviors (e.g. strategy clusters you use in your self-care training) but also crucially important in investigations where we measure the effects of different conditions such as individual verbalized and perceived (personal) stress, how to have the capacity to influence / take control of your own stress reactions … etc. Important when starting from the individual’s current situation and planning for (based on investigation data) how these can with self-efforts have an increased effect, something that over time can be ”automated”, i.e. via gradual (related to the quality and quantitative scope of engen care activities) reconsolidation of relevant Limbic memory-contract clusters that are becoming increasingly habitually operant.

Based on the above, one can then directly or indirectly affect many different types of dysfunctions, where high blood pressure is often initially in education because hear correlation between skin temperature (affected via alpha receptors of the sympathetic nervous system (https://www.aapb.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3463) and systolic blood pressure, which facilitates dynamic training of systolic blood pressure with a resolution of 1/100 C which means you SEE changes you cannot physically feel but do it  retrospectively.

* Paradigm: ” .. Facts depend on paradigms and they change when the paradigms change. Nonetheless Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962) is not saying that science is absolutely irrational: there are certain paradigms that are more suitable at certain times because they provide more rational solutions to certain problems than other frameworks. But there are also subjective elements playing an important role. In short Kuhn tries to show a more realistic picture of the scientific enterprise.” http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0120-14682021000100002