Urgent needed medical/psychological evolution of a revolutionary important basic systems …

GABA står inför en revolutionerande kunskapsutveckling inom de flesta medicinskt/psykologiskt baserad områden direkt/indirekt men EJ i klinisk praktik!

Alltså kunskapsutveckling men däremot nästan ingen individuell kliniska praktiskt användbara tester för ingående analyser i dagligt kliniskt arbete! Vad som är avgörande nu för en snabb utveckling av GABA revolutionen är att genomföra ganska enkla kliniskt intressanta single case (ideografiska) studier (som sedan kan utgör plattform för normativa traditionella studier) av hur  GABA varierar inom och mellan individer över situationer och tid samt över olika populationer jämfört med icke-definierat sjuka/friska.

Nästa steg år att undersöka vilka typer av kliniska populationer som vanligen har GABA deficit. Parallellt med detta kan vi undersöka också effekten av HUR vi kan förstärka GABA dokumenterar i ideografiska data. Idag vet vi egentligen inte hur det kan ske. Det finns olika typer av supplement liksom också olika Bensodiazepin läkemedel, men det är synnerligen oklart hur dessa påverkar olika individer liksom också om användning av Bensodiazepiner ökar GABA deficit eller på annat sätt påverkar negativt! Eftersom GABA i sin tur samverkar inte bara som inhibitor balanserande exitatoriska neurotransmittors utan också med många andra system, så behövs också en omfattande systemintegrerande kunskapsutveckling avseende detta!

Ett första viktigt steg att gå vidare för att försöka få fram forskningsmedel för PÅBÖRJA undersökningar steg för steg (gärna parallellt) ungefär som jag ganska spontant diskuterar ovan. Då har vi en mer klinik effektiv framtids plattform att arbeta vidare utifrån.

BvS-> If we do not have access to reliable and with validities measure meaningful/relevant in daily clinical work, we know very little about our patients and what we do to them as well! When not meaningful data is available, we would make priority for construing it even if this is not what traditional pharmacological profits are interested in!

BvS-> Om vi inte har tillgång till tillförlitliga och validitetsmått meningsfulla/relevanta i det dagliga kliniska arbetet vet vi väldigt lite om våra patienter och vad vi gör med dem också! När det inte finns meningsfulla data tillgängliga skulle vi prioritera att tolka dem även om detta inte är vad traditionella farmakologiska vinster är intresserade av!


Links to consider:
NB so far GABA is associated with psychological/psychiatric disorders BUT we can regard GABA as a crucial systems parameter in most kind of chronic diseases while often biopsychosocial stress is a part of it, especially psychophysiological suffering … adding to the complex interactions …

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22857-gamma-aminobutyric-acid-gaba  “GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It lessens a nerve cell’s ability to receive, create or send chemical messages to other nerve cells. Many medical conditions are associated with changing levels of GABA. Multiple medications target the GABA receptor. More evidence is needed to learn if GABA supplements and GABA-containing foods can help prevent or treat disease .. ”
     Much of interests in this link … just two of it
“Is GABA present in food? GABA is present in some fermented foods, including kimchi, miso and tempeh. It’s also found in green, black and oolong tea. Other foods that contain GABA or boost its production in your body include brown rice, soy and adzuki beans, chestnuts, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, sprouted grains and sweet potatoes.
Like supplements, it’s not fully clear if eating GABA-containing foods allows GABA to reach your brain. More studies, with large numbers of people, need to be conducted.
      A note from Cleveland Clinic “Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in your central nervous system. GABA lessens the ability of a nerve cell to receive, create or send chemical messages to other nerve cells. GABA is known for producing a calming effect. It’s thought to play a major role in controlling anxiety, stress and fear. Decreased GABA levels are associated with several neurological and mental health conditions, as well as other medical conditions. Increasing GABA levels may help treat high blood pressure, diabetes and insomnia. Because of the abundance of GABA in your brain, the GABA receptor is a major target of drug development by pharmaceutical manufacturers. The effectiveness of GABA supplements and GABA-containing foods to prevent and treat medical conditions needs to be studied in a larger number of people. Before purchasing GABA supplements or eating certain GABA-containing foods, talk to your healthcare provider about the best approach to treat your health condition”.

Health Benefits of GABA “The most important function of GABA is in our brain. When GABA levels get too low, it’s difficult for the body to relax after a stress-induced neurotransmitter release. Low GABA activity leads to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and mood disorders. GABA is a natural brain relaxant that makes us feel good.” https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-gaba

Biochemistry, Gamma Aminobutyric Acid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551683/

“ .. Testing – Neuroimaging. Neuroimaging studies used alone are not often used clinically to discern pathologic GABA signaling due to high overlap with other, more numerous neurotransmitters, and high required technical expertise in obtaining and interpreting neuroimaging studies.[20][21] Rather, neuroimaging has been useful for research studies, especially in understanding biochemical processes associated with behavioral abnormalities in diseases such as alcohol use disorder and mood disorders. Combined with other modalities of measurement such as electroencephalography (EEG), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can be used to infer the decreased activity of GABAnergic interneuron pathways in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and major depressive disorder. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) can be used to determine the neurochemical states in patients undergoing alcohol withdrawal; however, they have limited clinical value due to an inability to determine whether these states are a cause or an effect of alcohol withdrawal.

Cerebrospinal GABA. Increased cerebrospinal GABA levels may be indicative of a disorder in GABA metabolism, such as a deficiency in either GABA-T or SSADH, the enzymes that are involved in GABA degradation.[22] However, for SSADH deficiency, the urinary gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), which gets produced from the reduction of excess succinic semialdehyde by succinic semialdehyde reductase, is more commonly used.

Plasma GABA. Plasma GABA testing may be used to support the diagnosis of mood disorders and alcohol use disorder as a specific test.[23] However, it has low sensitivity and is used more as a research tool than a standardized clinical measure.”
