Severe Tinnitus Syndrome

Below is about my own (Bo von Scheele, founder of Bergvik Open Academy of Innovative Medicine Management), aiming to further develop my 40 years work gradually independent of me) writing based on own very hard problems, that is, 60 years with manageable “normal” tinnitus and last soon 3 years with Severe Tinnitus Syndrome (STS). I have restarted now my clinical work in parallel with trying to find solutions of my STS – and I know I am not the only one suffering from STS! First picture at show my present multifaceted hypothesis

Severe Tinnitus Syndrome
So, if we distinguish between ”normal” manageable tinnitus and severe Tinnitus Syndrome hard to live with, the below concerns the latter!

As there are many possible sources intervened in complex causing STS, the present knowledge and clinical experiences are very limited, if any, especially in Sweden where it apparently is to large extent ignored and CBT is the suggested solution, if not anti-depressives.

We need very much developed more effective multifaceted, multidisciplinary examination procedures, which also are adapted to individual characteristics and multifaceted toolboxes to be tailored in cooperation between the client and the responsible clinician as well as a AI-based documentation which can recognize (close to) new individual´s characteristic within the interactive database system.

Below in subpages, I will discuss some innovative ideas, where also others are welcome to mail contributions!